Results for 'Lindsey C. Partington'

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  1.  21
    Family Thriving During COVID-19 and the Benefits for Children’s Well-Being.Lindsey C. Partington, Meital Mashash & Paul D. Hastings - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although the COVID-19 pandemic has raised deserved concern regarding adverse impacts on parents’ and children’s mental health, regulations like “sheltering-in-place” may have afforded parents novel opportunities to foster positive family connections, thereby bolstering well-being. Using latent profile analysis, we distinguished family thriving during shelter-in-place from other patterns of family functioning, tested potential predictors of family functioning profiles, and examined if family thriving predicted subsequent child adjustment. 449 parents in two-parent U.S. families with children aged 2–18 years completed online surveys assessing (...)
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    Notes and Correspondence.George Sarton, Henri Terrasse, H. P. J. Renaud, Ralph E. Ockenden, F. Szinnyei, Valeriu Bologa, O. Stein, Arnold C. Klebs, J. R. Partington & C. De Waard - 1935 - Isis 24 (1):102-126.
  3.  14
    Medical education reform at the University of Rochester and the biopsychosocial tradition.Elaine F. Dannefer, Edward M. Hundert & Lindsey C. Henson - 2003 - In Richard M. Frankel, Timothy E. Quill & Susan H. McDaniel, The biopsychosocial approach: past, present, and future. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. pp. 135--147.
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    Cues, context, and long-term memory: the role of the retrosplenial cortex in spatial cognition.Adam M. P. Miller, Lindsey C. Vedder, L. Matthew Law & David M. Smith - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  5.  34
    An Analytical Guide to the Bibliographies on Islam, Muhammad, and the QurʿanAn Analytical Guide to the Bibliographies on Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran.D. Partington & C. L. Geddes - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):356.
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    Ethical Tradeoffs in Trial Design: Case Study of an HPV Vaccine Trial in HIV‐Infected Adolescent Girls in Lower Income Settings.J. C. Lindsey, S. K. Shah, G. K. Siberry, P. Jean-Philippe & M. J. Levin - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 13 (2):95-104.
    The Declaration of Helsinki and the Council of the International Organization of Medical Sciences provide guidance on standards of care and prevention in clinical trials. In the current and increasingly challenging research environment, the ethical status of a trial design depends not only on protection of participants, but also on social value, feasibility, and scientific validity. Using the example of a study assessing efficacy of a vaccine to prevent human papilloma virus in HIV-1 infected adolescent girls in low resource countries (...)
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    Linking Signal Relevancy and Intensity in Predictive Tactile Suppression.Marie C. Beyvers, Lindsey E. Fraser & Katja Fiehler - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Predictable somatosensory feedback leads to a reduction in tactile sensitivity. This phenomenon, called tactile suppression, relies on a mechanism that uses an efference copy of motor commands to help select relevant aspects of incoming sensory signals. We investigated whether tactile suppression is modulated by the task-relevancy of the predicted consequences of movement and the intensity of related somatosensory feedback signals. Participants reached to a target region in the air in front of a screen; visual or tactile feedback indicated the reach (...)
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    Maximizing Students' Retention via Spaced Review: Practical Guidance From Computational Models of Memory.Mohammad M. Khajah, Robert V. Lindsey & Michael C. Mozer - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (1):157-169.
    During each school semester, students face an onslaught of material to be learned. Students work hard to achieve initial mastery of the material, but when they move on, the newly learned facts, concepts, and skills degrade in memory. Although both students and educators appreciate that review can help stabilize learning, time constraints result in a trade-off between acquiring new knowledge and preserving old knowledge. To use time efficiently, when should review take place? Experimental studies have shown benefits to long-term retention (...)
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  9.  45
    Executive function in learning mathematics by comparison: incorporating everyday classrooms into the science of learning.Kreshnik Nasi Begolli, Lindsey Engle Richland, Susanne M. Jaeggi, Emily McLaughlin Lyons, Ellen C. Klostermann & Bryan J. Matlen - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (2):280-313.
  10.  12
    Philosophy of Communication Ethics: Alterity and the Other.Brenda Allen, Austin S. Babrow, Isaac E. Catt, Andreea Deciu Ritivoi, Gina Ercolini, Janie Harden Fritz, Pat Gehrke, John Hatch, Gerard A. Hauser, Alain Létourneau, Lisbeth Lipari, Annette Holba, Lester C. Olson & Lindsey M. Rose (eds.) - 2014 - Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    Philosophy of Communication Ethics is a unique and timely volume that creatively examines communication ethics, philosophy of communication, and "the other.".
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  11.  22
    The origins of higher-order thinking lie in children's spontaneous talk across the pre-school years.Rebecca R. Frausel, Catriona Silvey, Cassie Freeman, Natalie Dowling, Lindsey E. Richland, Susan C. Levine, Steve Raudenbush & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104274.
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    Notes and Correspondence.Solomon Gandz, Harry Friedenwald, George Sarton, Max Meyerhof, Thomas F. Dunn, Lynn Thorndike, J. R. Partington & Morris C. Leikind - 1934 - Isis 22 (1):220-232.
  13.  65
    Histone ubiquitination: a tagging tail unfolds?Laure J. M. Jason, Susan C. Moore, John D. Lewis, George Lindsey & Juan Ausió - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (2):166-174.
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    Feeding Tubes and Health Care Service Utilization in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Benefits and Limits to a Retrospective, Multicenter Study Using Big Data.Keith M. Swetz, Stephanie M. Peterson, Lindsey R. Sangaralingham, Ryan T. Hurt, Shannon M. Dunlay, Nilay D. Shah & Jon C. Tilburt - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801773242.
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  15.  64
    The Early History of Chemistry - ProfessorJ. R. Partington, M.B.E., D.Sc.: Origins and Development of Applied Chemistry. Pp. xii + 597. London, New York, Toronto: Longmans, 1935. Cloth, 45 s[REVIEW]K. C. Bailey - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (06):239-.
  16.  15
    Dangers of national repentance.C. S. Lewis - 1997 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 14 (4):10-11.
    C. S. Lewis' article addresses a critically important issue on which Howard Ahmanson comments. Professor Oliver O'Donovan addresses the same issue in a sermon in Christ Church Oxford on Trinity Sunday 1997. We publish the three articles together in the year of the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of India and Pakistan and invite correspondence on the issues at stake. Eds.
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  17. The Testament of Joad.C. E. M. Joad - 1937 - Faber & Faber.
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    Kant: An Introduction.C. Lewy (ed.) - 1978 - Cambridge University Press.
    A critical and detailed introduction to Kant's philosophy, with particular reference to the Critique of Pure Reason. Since Broad's death there have been many publications on Kant but Broad's 1978 book still finds a definite place between the very general surveys and the more specialised commentaries. He offers a characteristically clear, judicious and direct account of Kant's work; his criticisms are acute and sympathetic, reminding us forcefully that 'Kant's mistakes are usually more important than other people's correctitudes'. C.D. Broad was (...)
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  19.  29
    After drepana.C. F. Konrad - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):192-203.
    The Battle of Drepana in 249 b.c. marks the most significant defeat of Roman naval forces at the hands of their Carthaginian opponents during the First Punic War. Attempting to take the Punic fleet in the harbour of Drepana by surprise, the consul P. Claudius Pulcher sailed with his ships from Lilybaeum about midnight, and reached Drepana at dawn. Yet, owing to swift and level-headed counter-measures taken by the Punic commander, Adherbal, the unfolding fight – partly in the harbour, mostly (...)
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  20.  10
    Letters, Notes, and Comments.C. Kavin Rowe & Elizabeth Agnew Cochran - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (4):705 - 729.
    This essay argues that retrieving insights from the ancient Stoic philosophers for Christian ethics is much more difficult than is often assumed and, further, that the "ethics of retrieval" is itself something worth prolonged reflection. The central problem is that in their ancient sense both Christianity and Stoicism are practically dense patterns of reasoning and mutually incompatible forms of life. Coming to see this clearly requires the realization that the encounter between Stoicism and Christianity is a conflict of lived traditions. (...)
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  21.  26
    De-Rham currents and charged particle interactions in electromagnetic and gravitational fields.C. T. J. Dodson & R. W. Tucker - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (3-4):307-328.
    A coordinate-free formulation is established for (semi) classical particle-field interactions. The exterior language of spacetime chains and De-Rham currents enables the description to include extended strings and membranes besides point particles. Treating physical fields in terms of sections of particular bundles, a unified account of interactions is presented in terms of an intrinsic action principle on a bundle of jets over spacetime. The theory is illustrated by considering the specific model of point particles with intrinsic spin covariantly coupled to theU(1) (...)
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  22.  80
    Teresa C. Placha 123.Teresa C. Placha - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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  23.  43
    The history of science in the thought of Herbert Butterfield: C. Thomas McIntire: Herbert Butterfield: Historian as dissenter. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004, xxv+499pp, $65.00 HB Michael Bentley: The life and thought of Herbert Butterfield: History, science and God. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, iv+381pp, £25.00 PB Kenneth B. McIntyre: Herbert Butterfield: History, providence, and skeptical politics. Wilmington, Delaware: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2011, xv+238pp, $18.00 PB.Keith C. Sewell - 2013 - Metascience 22 (3):691-695.
  24.  11
    Francis Knight Ballaine 1906-1964.C. W. G. - 1965 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 39:114 - 115.
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  25. Intelligent design psychology and evolutionary psychology on consciousness: Turning water into wine.C. Grace & James P. Moreland - 2002 - Journal of Psychology and Theology 30 (1):51-67.
  26. The ethics of oncofertility: a clinical perspective.C. Gracia - 2010 - In Teresa Woodruff, Lori Zoloth, Lisa Campo-Engelstein & Susan Rodriguez, Oncofertility: Reflections from the Humanities and Social Sciences. Springer.
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    II. Die truppencorps in Arrian’s marschordnung gegen die Alanen.C. L. Grotefend - 1867 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 26 (1-4):18-28.
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  28. Wissen und Glauben.C. Güttler - 1894 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 38:541-542.
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  29. Religionspsychologie.C. Gutberlet - 1911 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 24:147-176.
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    Pausanias: Past, present, and closure.C. Habicht - 2002 - Classical Quarterly 52:494-499.
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  31. Logical positivism and scientific theory.C. D. Hardie - 1938 - Mind 47 (186):214-225.
  32.  10
    31. SalL. Lug. 73, 2. 93, 8.C. Hartung - 1882 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 41 (1-4):543-544.
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  33. The End of the Mind-Body Problem.C. Harriman - 1988 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 10 (3):48-56.
  34.  10
    18. Zu Publilius Syrus.C. Hartung - 1877 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 37 (1-4).
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    A Unique Technical Feature of the Prometheus Bound.C. J. Herington - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (01):5-7.
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    Professor Pfleiderer on Morality and Religion.C. W. Hodge - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5 (6):619-627.
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  37.  16
    The prevalence of the mental defect.C. B. S. Hodson - 1937 - The Eugenics Review 28 (4):336.
  38.  18
    Ethics in Medicine.C. Honey - 1979 - Journal of Medical Ethics 5 (1):41-42.
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    Zu Gato de moribus.C. Härtung - 1879 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 38 (1-4):178-178.
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    IX. Der Musik-Schriftsteller Albinus.C. V. Jan - 1897 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 56 (1):163-166.
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  41. Aristotle's Polity: Mixed or Middle Constitution?C. Johnson - 1988 - History of Political Thought 9 (2):189.
  42. Your Granny had one of those! How visitors use museum collections'.C. Johnstone - 1998 - In John Arnold, Kate Davies & Simon Ditchfield, History and heritage: consuming the past in contemporary culture. Donhead St. Mary, Shaftesbury: Donhead.
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  43.  5
    The effect of cortical lesions on visuo-motor processing in man.C. Kennard - 1991 - In Andrei Gorea, Representations of Vision: Trends and Tacit Assumptions in Vision Research. Cambridge University Press. pp. 155.
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  44.  10
    Peter Helias.C. H. Kneepkens - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 512–513.
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  45. Science and Relativism; Chicago University Press 1990, en Paul Feyerabend, Over Kennis: twee dialogen.C. Kwa - 1995 - Krisis 58:90-93.
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  46.  20
    The text of Jude 4.C. H. Landon - 1993 - HTS Theological Studies 49 (4).
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  47. A treatment for survivors of sexual assault suffering posttraumatic stress disorder (vol 13, pg 275, 2005).C. Lefkowitz, M. Prout, J. Bleiberg, I. Paharia & D. Debiak - 2006 - Society and Animals 14 (1):II.
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  48. Recherches Sur la Philosophie Et le Langage XVI: Stanislav Lesnievski aujourd’hui.C. Lejewski, D. Miéville, J. Wolenski, P. Simons, G. Kalinowski & F. Nef - 1996 - Vrin.
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  49. Hovory.C. S. Lewis - 1945 - Nakladatelství "Nová Evropa".
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    Santayana at Harvard.C. I. Lewis - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (2):29-31.
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